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12 Tips for Making It as a Magazine Photographer

Posted By Katherine Mercer
There’s really nothing like seeing your name and images printed in a magazine for the first time. Do you think you’re ready to make the leap and become a magazine photographer? Here are 12 tips to help you get there. A close up of an article crediting the magazine photographer 1. Choose a Speciality to Stand Out More Some people tend to think that publications love portfolios with different types of images. That’s not true at all. Editors like consistency. Focus on what you’re good at, and stick with that. Don’t worry about not landing gigs if you like landscape or food photography. There are a lot of freelance and professional photographers out there, but better to be the best in your field than average in a niche. Niche photographers are harder to come by. Pursue less popular genres. You’ll have a better chance of getting hired for magazine photographer…
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